
by Eri Segami Shigyo

My school is a catholic school. Therefore, religious education is very important. Other schools in Peru not necessarily have a religious education and depending on the social status there are different types of schools. For example, the next link is one of the most expensive schools. They teach lessons entirely in English. Other schools teach in German or French. Those are the most expensive ones. These schools and my school are private ones.

Here in Peru, mostly, schools have primary and secondary education。高校だけっていうのはないです。When you finish school you can study in an academy that will prepare you for the admission exam or if you were among the best students in your school you can enter to a private university almost automatically(the admission process is really simple). In case of national universities you have to take the admission exam even if you were number 1 in your school.

National schools do not offer a really good education. That is why people who can pay for a private school, send their children there.

Eriさんの通っていたMarkham CollegeのWebサイト

Eri Segami Shigyou

「観光学」を専攻している19歳、Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas 大学4年。
